Abstract image of microscopic molecules

Life Sciences AI

We work hand-in-hand with to biotechnology companies, researchers, and other stakeholders to navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding AI applications in the life sciences sector. Our team offers guidance on regulatory compliance, intellectual property protection, data privacy, and ethical considerations, ensuring our clients stay ahead in an increasingly competitive environment.

In recognition of the rapidly evolving nature of the life sciences industry and the increasing role AI plays in this sector, we are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and legal developments. Our team actively engages with industry leaders, participates in professional conferences, and monitors relevant publications to maintain a comprehensive understanding of the field.

Our Services

We can work closely with our clients to ensure their interests are protected, while helping them mitigate risks, secure their innovations, and navigate the intricacies of technology transfer and commercialization. Some of our services include the following:

  • Patent: Our team can assist clients in assessing patent eligibility and ownership of AI-generated inventions. We also monitor regulatory agencies closely as they establish guidelines for AI-guided product development.
  • Privacy & Cyber Security: We can advise on matters related to patient privacy, informed consent, and potential discrimination based on genetic information, ensuring AI systems comply with data protection regulations and do not unfairly disadvantage individuals based on their health data. We can also help clients with AI technologies ensure compliance with privacy and data protection laws, such as HIPAA and GDPR, while implementing robust data protection measures to maintain consumer trust and prevent potential breaches.
  • Food and Drug Regulations: Our team can assist clients in adhering to medical device regulations and obtaining necessary approvals from organizations like the FDA and EMA for products developed with AI. We also can provide guidance on liability issues in cases of misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose conditions accurately due to AI related technologies.